What Are The Axe Throwing Target Dimensions?

Axe throwing has gained tremendous popularity in recent years as a recreational activity, sport, and even a competitive event. One of the most critical components of an axe-throwing setup is the target itself. Axe-throwing target dimensions play a crucial role in determining the accuracy and precision of throws and ensuring the safety of players and spectators.

Generally, an axe throwing target takes up an area of approximately 50 × 68 inches (1.27 × 1.73 meters). The thickness of the target will depend on the thickness of each of the three layers.

In this article, we will explore the essential dimensions and specifications of an axe-throwing target, including its size, shape, material, and construction.

Axe Throwing Target Dimensions

If you want to build a WATL-standardized axe-throwing target, you need to pay close attention to details and follow the guidelines in the organization’s Code of Conduct Section H. 

As per the standards set by the World Axe Throwing League (WATL), a standard axe-throwing target comprises three layers of wood, with the first layer being the Backboards. This layer plays a vital role in the target’s overall stability and is responsible for supporting the second and third layers. To create the Backboards layer, it is recommended to use five vertically aligned 2 × 10-inch boards, each measuring four feet in length.

One sheet of oriented strand board or plywood makes up the second layer,

The third or final layer is the most important part of the axe-throwing target and needs to be constructed with great care and accuracy. It’s made up of the same number of 2 × 10-inch boards as the Backboards layer and divided into two parts: the Targets and the Header and Footer. The Targets are where players throw their axes, and the Target Design is painted onto these boards, making the target look attractive. The Header and Footer, which are made up of two 2 × 10-inch boards, add extra stability to the target and are placed horizontally at the top and bottom of the Target Boards.

Ideally, the target area for the WATL axe throwing competition should be 50 inches wide by 68 inches tall (1.27 meters by 1.73 meters). Ideally, the target area for the WATL axe throwing competition should be 50 inches wide by 68 inches tall (1.27 meters by 1.73 meters).

It’s important to keep the actual dimensions of the materials in mind when building an axe-throwing target, especially if you’re following standardized guidelines like those set by the WATL. For instance, a 2 × 10-inch board actually measures 1.5 × 9.25 inches and is four feet long. These small differences can affect the final size of the target, making it smaller than intended. In fact, based on these dimensions, the target can be as small as 46.25 × 66.5 inches (1.17 × 1.69 meters).

The thickness of an axe-throwing target depends on the size of the oriented strand board or playboard used, with the former ranging between 3/8 and ¾ of an inch and the latter between 1/8 and 1.25 inches. Based on these parameters, the target’s thickness should fall within the range of 3.13 to 5.25 inches (79.5 to 133.35 millimeters). 

Markings And Design of Axe Throwing Target

Markings And Design of Axe Throwing Target

The process of designing an axe-throwing target can be made more accessible with the World Axe Throwing League’s specialized stencil and marker. With these tools, you can accurately measure and draw the Target Design, which comprises one bullseye, four rings, and two unique zones known as “the Killshot.” 

For a properly designed axe-throwing target, the bullseye must be precisely placed at the center of the Target Board and should have a diameter of  3.5 inches (89 millimeters).

The axe-throwing target’s rings should be ¾ of an inch (20 millimeters) thick with 3.5 inches (89 millimeters) of space between each ring, and the outermost ring’s outer line should be 24 inches (0.61 meters) away from the bullseye’s center.

The thickness of each of the rings on the WATL axe-throwing target is recommended to be ¾ of an inch (20 millimeters), with 3.5 inches (89 millimeters) of space between them. To ensure proper placement, the outermost ring’s outside line should be positioned precisely 24 inches (0.61 meters) away from the center of the bullseye.

To construct a WATL axe-throwing target, it’s important to be precise when measuring the Killshot zones. Within the outermost ring, these areas should be exactly 2.5 inches (63 millimeters) wide and placed 35.25 inches (0.9 meters) up from the top of the Footer.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, an axe-throwing target can have a dimension of 50 inches by 68 inches (1.27 meters by 1.73 meters). I also discussed the markings of the axe-throwing target. If you have any queries or suggestions do not hesitate to ask in the comment or contact us.


What is the ideal distance between the thrower and the target?

The distance that the thrower should stand from the target can vary depending on the specific rules and regulations of the organization or competition hosting the axe-throwing event. However, a common distance is approximately 12-15 feet (3.7-4.6 meters) away from the target. 

What is the recommended height of the axe-throwing target?

To safely fasten the Target onto a wall, ensure that the bullseye is positioned approximately 63 inches (1.6 meters) up, with the top of the footer board resting 3 feet (0.91 meters) off the ground. Additionally, the installation room should have a minimum ceiling height of 10 feet (3.05 meters) to prevent any accidents.

Is it possible to make an axe-throwing target at home?

To make a simple axe-throwing target at home, follow these general steps: choose a suitable location with a safe backstop, determine the target size, obtain appropriate materials such as a thick wooden board, cut and sand it to size, attach a target and hang it securely using chains or rope about 5 feet from the ground.

Is there a standard size for throwing axes?

A typical throwing axe has a length of around 12-18 inches (30-45 cm) and a weight of approximately 1-2 pounds (0.5-1 kg). The blade of a throwing axe is typically around 3-5 inches (7.5-12.5 cm) in length and has a sharp edge for cutting into the target. The handle of a throwing axe is typically made of wood or other durable materials. It may be shorter than the handle of a regular axe to provide better control and balance during throwing.

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