What Are The BIC Lighter Wrap Dimensions?

BIC lighters are a popular choice for their reliability, affordability, and convenience.

To enhance their aesthetic appeal and personalization, BIC has introduced lighter wraps. These wraps are skins that can be easily applied to the lighter and come in a variety of designs and dimensions. 

On average, a BIC lighter wrap measures 3 inches by 3 inches, designed to fully cover the plastic casing of the lighter. The wrap only leaves the spark wheel, metal hood, and fork exposed, allowing for easy ignition and operation.

In this article, we will be discussing the dimensions of the BIC lighter wrap.

BIC Lighter Wrap Dimensions

It’s essential to match the wrap’s dimensions to those of the lighter’s plastic casing, both in height and circumference.

This way, the wrap can fully cover the plastic, providing protection and adding a personal touch to your lighter.

The goal is to smoothly adhere the wrap over the casing while leaving the ignition mechanism unobstructed, ensuring that your lighter continues to function seamlessly.

For those who prefer the classic, full-sized BIC lighters, it is recommended to use wraps measuring 3 inches in both length and width.

On the other hand, the compact BIC mini-lighters stand at approximately 2.5 inches in height, thus requiring wraps that are approximately 2 inches tall and 2.5 inches wide.

Taking Measurements of a BIC Lighter

Taking Measurements of a BIC Lighter

To ensure a proper fit for your lighter wrap, it’s important to accurately measure its dimensions. Start by using a ruler to determine the distance from the base of the lighter to the bottom of the fork, which controls the flow of butane.

Next, to determine the circumference of the lighter, wrap a piece of string or twine snugly around it and measure the length of the string using a ruler.

This measurement will give you the circumference of the lighter, allowing you to select a wrap that fits just right.

For those who prefer compact BIC mini-lighters, the measuring process is just as straightforward.

Simply follow the steps outlined above to determine the distance from the base of the lighter to the bottom of the fork and the circumference of the lighter.

These measurements will allow you to select a wrap that is perfectly sized for your BIC mini-lighter.

Are BIC Lighter Wraps Worth Making?

There are several reasons why someone might choose to make BIC lighter wraps:

  • Personalization: Wraps allow you to add a touch of individuality to your lighter, making it unique and reflecting your style.
  • Protection: Wraps can help protect your lighter from scratches, dings, and other types of damage.
  • Brand Awareness: If you have a business or brand, wraps can be a great way to promote your brand and increase brand awareness.
  • Gift Giving: Wrapped lighters make for fun and practical gifts for friends and family.
  • Artistic Expression: Making wraps can also be a creative outlet for those who enjoy crafting and expressing themselves through art.

Making BIC Lighter Wraps

Here are the steps to make BIC lighter wraps:

  • Gather materials: You will need clear vinyl, scissors, a ruler, a cutting mat or cardboard, and a printed design or pattern.
  • Cut the vinyl: Cut a piece of clear vinyl to the appropriate size for your lighter. For full-sized BIC lighters, this should be 3 inches by 3 inches, and for mini BIC lighters, it should be approximately 2 inches by 2.5 inches.
  • Print the design: If you are using a printed design, print it on a sheet of paper and cut it to size.
  • Adhere to the design: Place the vinyl on a cutting mat or piece of cardboard and carefully place the design on top of the vinyl.
  • Cut out the design: Using scissors carefully cut out the design along the edges.
  • Apply the wrap: Place the wrap on the lighter and gently smooth out any air bubbles.
  • Trim any excess: If necessary, use scissors to trim any excess vinyl from the edges of the wrap.


What size is a BIC lighter wrap?

A BIC lighter wrap typically measures around 2.2 inches (5.6 centimeters) in height and 2.6 inches (6.6 centimeters) in circumference.

What is the size of a lighter wrap?

Different brands and designs make lighter wraps in different sizes, but a common size is 2.2 inches (5.6 centimeters) in height and 2.6 inches (6.6 centimeters) in circumference.

What is the standard size BIC?

The standard size of a BIC lighter is usually around 3.1 inches (7.9 centimeters) in height and 0.8 inches (2 centimeters) in width.

How big is a BIC lighter in CM?

A BIC lighter typically measures about 7.9 centimeters in height and 2 centimeters in width.

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